2′ 02”
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“Steps” è un’opera che riflette sul periodo storico che stiamo vivendo, nel quale la vita e le abitudini delle persone sono fortemente mutate, trovandosi sempre più spesso in uno spazio limitato.
Il quadrato originato dalla polvere e dai calcinacci presenti all’interno della fabbrica abbandonata e decadente, rappresenta in chiave concettuale la casa, un riparo dal mondo esterno.
Camminando lungo il perimetro quadrato e attraversando ripetutamente le sue diagonali, l’artista tenta di misurare lo spazio in cui si trova e ricercare al suo interno quell’ordine che fuori non esiste.
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“Steps” is a work that reflects on the historical period we are living in, in which people’s lives and habits have changed greatly, finding themselves more and more often in a limited space.
The square originated from the dust and rubble present inside the abandoned and decadent factory, conceptually represents the house, a shelter from the outside world.
By walking along the square perimeter and repeatedly crossing its diagonals, the artist attempts to measure the space in which he finds himself and seek within it that order that does not exist outside.
The square originated from the dust and rubble present inside the abandoned and decadent factory, conceptually represents the house, a shelter from the outside world.
By walking along the square perimeter and repeatedly crossing its diagonals, the artist attempts to measure the space in which he finds himself and seek within it that order that does not exist outside.